Delivery & Collection is provided by our drivers in luton vans. Delivery is priced based on lots of different factors including items ordered, location, date, time, other bookings that week, bespoke venues and parking options.
When providing a quote, please be aware delivery pricing can change day to day depending on the bookings that we have for your event date. Once booked the price cannot change.
Standard delivery & collection starts from £60 plus vat for orders local to our unit in West Sussex, 25 minutes from Gatwick Airport.
For small orders there will always be a minimum total order charge. This charge will include the items you are hiring, delivery, collection and VAT. For example, (at time of writing) local orders to our unit in Sussex start from £120 and orders in North London start from £360. This again will be completely varied depending on a number of circumstances and may be much greater. In the summer when we are busy this will be higher as we will need to hire in extra vans and employ temporary drivers.
When quoted, the price will be for standard delivery and collection days/times (unless otherwise agreed), which will be for delivery 1-3 days before the event and collection 1-3 days after the event. Timings will usually be a 4 hour slot chosen by us, which will be agreed approximately 1 week before the event date.
If you require a specific day and time for delivery and collection this must be stated before booking as additional charges may apply.
There may be additional charges when the van cannot park close to the drop off point, for stairs, busy locations, parking, congestion and ULEZ zones and for deliveries between 6pm-8am. We need to be made aware of these before booking so we can quote the relevant pricing.
Why is delivery so high? As we use large vans they cost a lot to purchase and for tax, insurance and diesel. We also pay our drivers by the hour and have to factor these costs in too.
When delivering items, these will be delivered stacked, unless set up is paid for. Please return items stacked in the same position for our driver to collect.
Collection From Unit
We are now offering collection from our unit for certain items, we are based near East Grinstead, West Sussex. A security deposit is required, along with photo id (uk driving license or passport) and a proof of address (utility bill or bank statement), dated within the last 3 months.
Please note depending on the order, our collection option may not be available at all times. Items need to be booked and paid for in and a convinient collection and drop back date agreed in advance. We cannot take any bookings at the unit on the day. Visits are by appointment only.
Items for collection will be clean and ready to use and need to be returned in this condition to avoid charges. A suitable vehicle will be needed for collection and items must be stacked and supported correctly in the vehicle. Please note your car/van will have weight limits and we are not responsible for any damage or issues if you overload your vehicle.
Please also note by law, weight limits must be kept to and items must be secured during transport. You are responsible for making sure you adhere to these laws.
Please click here to get in touch with any questions!